Daily Digestible

Common flowers in Chinese culture and their significance (I)

Common flowers in Chinese culture and their sig...

In Chinese poetic and artistic culture, flowers have long been regarded as a rich and profound artistic subject. In this blog post, I will introduce the "Four Gentlemen" and the...

Common flowers in Chinese culture and their sig...

In Chinese poetic and artistic culture, flowers have long been regarded as a rich and profound artistic subject. In this blog post, I will introduce the "Four Gentlemen" and the...






Song Dynasty Aesthetics: Porcelain and Flower Vase Hairpins

Song Dynasty Aesthetics: Porcelain and Flower V...

The Song Dynasty stands out in Chinese history as a period of unparalleled economic and cultural prosperity. With the assurance of a stable life, the people of the Song Dynasty...

Song Dynasty Aesthetics: Porcelain and Flower V...

The Song Dynasty stands out in Chinese history as a period of unparalleled economic and cultural prosperity. With the assurance of a stable life, the people of the Song Dynasty...



宋式美學-瓷器與花瓶簪 雅緻的宋人為了能夠因應四季變化蒔花弄草,更是製作出了琉璃花瓶簪,以便簪上時令的花。宋人骨子裡崇尚自然,其自然含蓄,淡泊質樸的美學經久不衰,至今仍然受世人喜愛。宋代的瓷器更是稀世珍寶,一起來看看這樣的美學觀念是如何影響宋代瓷器的發展吧!  


宋式美學-瓷器與花瓶簪 雅緻的宋人為了能夠因應四季變化蒔花弄草,更是製作出了琉璃花瓶簪,以便簪上時令的花。宋人骨子裡崇尚自然,其自然含蓄,淡泊質樸的美學經久不衰,至今仍然受世人喜愛。宋代的瓷器更是稀世珍寶,一起來看看這樣的美學觀念是如何影響宋代瓷器的發展吧!